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* Recensionerär ursprungligen publicerade på författarnas inhemska språk. För kundernas bekvämlighet översätter vi dem till stora europeiska språk.
Had a bad reception in our building. We went from 1-2 to 3-4 bars of 4G after installation. Very easy to set up with clear instructions. I’m very pleased with the outcome, haven't dropped a call since! Has been using it about three months, seems to work really well.
I used to deal with poor mobile coverage in the rural area, where my children have a countryside house. When I told them that it got on my nerves, they decided that the best solution was to change the operator. But I knew that wouldn’t help. Therefore, I offered them to install a mobile phone signal booster. They listened to my advice and now we all enjoy perfect coverage!
At first need to comment that I use phone calls a lot for work. I make 20 calls a day as minimum so good connection is essential for me. And it was a problem when I used to lose phone calls because of signal quality. With this dualband repeater I get the maximum from phone communication.
I was suffering from poor signal for over two years and finally I resolved my problem! Just a fantastic equipment as I has been living in out of the coverage house like in a prison!:) Well, in some corners the signal is still rather weak but in general I can say only thank you to myamplifiaers company! They helped me a lot to find the correct booster for my area and explained everything about the frequences.. I had no idea about all those things.
Why have I chosen MyAmplifiers? Because I appreciate the way they work with their clients. Their managers provide detailed consultation regarding the models of repeaters they offer. They help to choose the one that best suits the needs and requirements. They explain everything concerning the installation and the functioning of the booster.
As most people involved in business, I have to spend the significant part of my time in my car going from one outlet to another. So when I’m stuck in a traffic jam – which happens more often than I’d prefer – I try to spend time with benefit for work. That’s why I need constant Internet connection to get in touch with suppliers and assistants. I found a perfect solution to the issue with Nikrans NS-3G-A umts booster. It’s been over a month now as I use it and I am definitely content. Can also say that the company resulted trustable, and their sales managers nice to talk to.
I came across this online shop when searching for a trusted company selling boosters. I called them by Skype and got all the information I needed! My box came last week. And from then on I have no problems with Internet and calls – impressive speeds!
Believe it or not, but this device is fantastic! Previously, I had only one or two bars on the screen. Sometime there was no mobile connection at all. And now I have no less than four bars in all the rooms of the house! Voice connection is ideal, all mobile applications work very fast and without any interruptions.
I bought this device without believing a lot in its efficiency. But having in mind its economic price and the money-back guarantee I took it... The truth is the repeater has met my best expectations. It's been operating without problems for over a month and covers my 100m2 apartment completely. I recommend it!
It was a fast and easy transaction. The device works great. We bought it for our cabin in the mountains where we could only make and receive phone calls and texts in certain areas. Also couldn’t get a reliable internet connection. After installation of the system, I finally can make and receive phone calls, text messages, and get internet inside the cabin. Well worth money.
The home mobile signal booster does what it says it will do. We went from barely one as at a single window to full signal all over. Our house is insulated concrete forms with metal roofing. I am very impressed. Has been working great. I am able to stream data and make a phone call. Wonderful to have if you work remotely and are in poor coverage areas.
This product performs exactly as advertised, but needs to be installed correctly. One thing to keep in mind, if there is no signal in the area at all, then there is nothing to boost. If you get a cell signal while standing in a certain location, you can capture that signal with this device and direct it where you need it.
Our family travels much, so we need a booster for car for calls. It is very important to us. GSM booster solved the problem. Thank you!
I should have done this earlier. I received the package and everything was intact. I read through the instructions entirely before beginning the installation. I found the best signal and I began to install. Once everything was connected I plugged the device in and went from 2 bars 3g inside the apartment to 2-3 bars of 4g LTE service inside the home that provides voice, text, and data.
This device is a "must have" for me, I live in the mountain areas where reception is very spotty. I haven't had a Call dropped since installing. This was a replacement for a 6 y.o. signal booster. This was one of the best things I’ve ever purchased. Takes a weak signal and boosts it to be very reliable. I'm quite impressed with this gadget.
With powerful hardware, the Nikrans dualband delivers fast performance of my 4G network and smooth voice calls services. It works for hours without overheating, no interfering sound, nice design and the option to adjust gain if needed.
This is a great system if you just want to plug it in and forget about it. Overall, the coverage is the best I've ever experienced. In my 4 level house, I get nearly full bars from the farthest point. Strongly recommended!
I installed the booster and antennas according to the manual, put the power supply into the socket but the indicator light hasn't turned on. But internet pages are downloaded rather fast..The support managers said the indicator must have been damaged while transportation..I agree, it works.
It’s not a secret that good working conditions influence the productivity and effectiveness. Therefore, every employer should take care of his or her employees. That is why I installed a signal booster in my office. Everyone in my staff can benefit from perfect mobile coverage, people can make and receive calls whenever they want.
Just picked up this super device last week! Now I get full 5/5 coverage all over my 2 floor house! My new iPhone 6 works flawlessly with it. Also we have a Galaxy Tab S and three Android smartphones – perfect regardless of the device or OS. Highly recommended!
Having never previously purchased a Nikrans product, I wasn't sure what to expect; to this point, I'm pleased. Myamplifiers company appears to be actively working to address issues that were encountered early on. The service is flawless and very helpful. Thanks!
I purchased a Nikrans NS250GDW, Anna was a great help with pre-sales questions I had, and recommended the product to suit my needs. Regards.
I ordered LCD-1200 a month ago or a little more. Did not manage to install correctly from the first attempt. Called tech support immediately, and they helped me a lot - the reason was in the wrong installation. Now it works at its best - 10 out of 10 from me!
I am very pleased with my purchase. I bought a signal booster at MyAmplifiers to better mobile reception in the house. The cellular amplifier provides high-quality and efficient reception of mobile signal. It disseminates improved signal around the whole place and ensures stable connection during conversations.
I love this product. It was the only option that I had to boost my GSM/4G signal. This device works perfectly. Once I installed it I’m able to use my phone anywhere in the house and data speed is great. I can make calls without a problem. Very impressed. It costs quite a bit, but it is worth the price.
I loved this amplifier! It's genius, with large coverage, great characteristics, perfect price. Highly recommended at such a perfect price!
The booster is of superior quality! It´s genius! Design, coverage and perfect functioning for the affordable price.
Firstly I felt a bit frustrated that the company had no shop in my locality in France. But it does not matter now after I received my order. Talking about the booster I cannot say anything negative - good performance, easy installation, nice price.
I am happy with this performance. Works exactly as desired. I was very pleased with prompt delivery. I read the instructions and after that the installation process was extremely easy. My cell phone jumped to 4-5 bars. I'm so excited! This thing really works. Moreover, the price can't be beat either.
After two weeks of exploitation the booster stopped to function. It turned out to be defected, I guess.. I sent it back for checking and repairing and I got a new one.. this time working well!;)
A very good device! I bought one for my café where the signal was too weak and I am very satisfied with the result of the amplifier’s work. First of all, it perfectly copes with the signal amplification task. Secondly, its price is affordable. And finally, the installation as well as the working principle is very understandable.