Cellular Signal Amplifier Penta Band Nikrans NS-300-Smart

Lightning Surge Protector
Lightning Surge Protector
(kr255 value)
Indendørs dækning: 300 m²
5 BandCalls/GSM 4G/LTE 3G
kr7,205 You save: kr3,815
  • NS-300-Smart cellular signal amplifier,
  • inside pannel antenna + 5m cable,
  • outdoor antenna + 10m cable,
  • power supply,
  • manual 
Lightning protection NS-LSP
(kr255 value)
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Leveringstid: 3-7 arbejdsdage
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NS-300-Smart Beskrivelse

The Nikrans NS-300-Smart belongs to five band series of cell phone boosters by MyAmplifiers. It amplifies mobile signals at 900 and 1800 MHz (mainly used for GSM transmission), 2100 MHz (for 3G deployment), 800 and 2600 MHz (largely operated 4G frequencies).

The Nikrans NS-300-Smart booster has the capacities to cover up to 300 m2 (3,230 ft2) that makes it an ideal amplifying system for small to middle-size premises, e.g. offices, spacious apartments, private houses, basement dwellings. Thus, taking into consideration the frequency ranges supported and the coverage area, Nikrans NS-300-Smart cellular signal amplifier can be definitely considered a universal model for all mobile providers in the European Union and in most countries of the world.

Alongside the above mentioned advantages, Nikrans NS-300-Smart cellular amplifier has the following features:

  • Display with touch screen showing the necessary information on the device status, signal strength indicators and allowing to adjust the parameters.
  • Antenna Isolation Detection. The repeater will automatically detect the oscillation between the outdoor antenna and indoor antenna.
  • Automatic gain control (AGC). The system will automatically maintain a suitable output signal amplitude notwithstanding the variations of the input signal.
  • Manual gain control (MGC) enables the user of the cellular repeater to adjust the settings according to the current situation with the signal.
  • Stand-by mode is activated when there are no calls emitted or data transmission.

This booster complies with CE and RoHS certifications and meets the international safety and quality requirements.

Make an order for NS-300-Smart cellular signal amplifier now and be always connected with any mobile operator!

In 3-5 days after the order you´ll get the booster in a full kit with antennas, cables and mounting accessories. The installation of the system is easy and takes about 20 minutes. Any our client will manage the installation having no technical knowledge or qualifications. As soon as you plug the booster into a power supply the signal will improve just in 5-7 seconds.

Nikrans NS-300-Smart doesn´t irradiate users of mobile phones and have no negative impact on humans.  

Penta-band signal booster is what you need to solve all the problems with inaccessible mobile connections once for all!

Our Professional Support Team is always ready to answer all your questions.

Sikkerhed og Сertificering

Det er bekræftet, at hver Nikrans signalforstærker er blevet verificeret til at være 100 % sikker for brugere, mobile enheder og miljøet. Enhedernes absolutte sikkerhed bekræftes af internationale sikkerhedscertifikater CE og RoHS. Læs mere om Nikrans udstyrscertificering her.

Myamplifiers Certificate
Myamplifiers Certificate
Myamplifiers Certificate
Myamplifiers Certificate

NS-300-Smart Specifikation

Dækning 300 m²
up-link frekv. 832-862, 880-915, 1710-1785, 1920-1980, 2500-2570MHz
Down-link frekv. 791-821, 925-960, 1805-1880, 2110-2170, 2620-2690MHz
up-link forstærkning 60 dB
Down-link forstærkning 65 dB
Power-output 13 dBm
Arbejdstemp °C -25/+55 В°C
Fugtighed 5 - 95 %
IP-Code IP40
Størrelse (mm) 150×210×36
Forstærker-vægt 2.5 kg
Strømforsyning Input AC90~264V, output 12V/5A
Energy Consumption 0.012 kW/h
Fremstillingsår 2023
Hent Brugerguide Hent datablad

NS-300-Smart Ofte stillede spørgsmål

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